Cowgirl Up on

Monday, July 28, 2008

No Sugar Added!

The other day I made a batch of “no sugar added” red raspberry jelly from berries I picked at my parents’ place. Tonight I made a batch of red currant jelly, also “no sugar added” from part of the last of the currants that I finally finished picking. I have about 2 cups of juice left and it may go into a combination jelly of currant, blueberry and creeping blackberry. Or I will make red currant syrup instead. My son is asking for a batch of blueberry jelly, but the husband, aka Paddock Boy, likes his blueberries whole in pancakes all winter. I don’t know if I can sneak enough berries away from the stash he wants to put in the freezer or not. I refuse to buy blueberries at the store or Tracy’s Roadside Produce since we have access to our own bushes, but I will keep Tracy in business with other purchases. The Washington corn from Wapato has been spectacular lately!

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Leah Fry said...

When's breakfast? Make mine sourdough with blackberry -- YUM. Buena has the sweetest face, and how I covet that lovely mane for my wild headed Pokey!

Cactus Jack Splash said...

One nice thing about living in the Yakima Valley is the corn-sometimes that is all I eat for dinner.