Cowgirl Up on

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bye Bye Entrecard

A new year means a desire to refocus. Some folks love Entrecard for the traffic it drives to their blogs/sites. Me? Not so much. It was a pain in many ways. I have removed it from my blog here and also from my site. I have canceled my account. Thanks for all who have “dropped” here. I’ll continue to visit your sites, but not through Entrecard links.

Stumble Upon Toolbar


The W.O.W. factor! said...

Hi know, I don't know much about this Entre card and maybe it's a coincident...but each site that had it, for me~it took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to load & comment on! Hence...I'm not that patient.

The Silver Age Sara said...

Thanks for visiting me. I got rid of the widget this weekend and I don't miss it. I might not get as much traffic but if people aren't reading my blog anyway, then what's the point. The plus side is I have more time with the horses.