Record high today here in Enumclaw.
103°F outside
89°F inside (and not done rising yet)
Even Chester was panting...inside the house. Hazel went out this morning and is hiding someplace cool, probably under the front porch.
The horses are doing quite well, considering.
The garden has had sprinklers running for 2 days straight as we don’t want to lose any of our crops in this record heat wave.
I noticed the goaties are panting a little, but seem happy enough.
Even the chickens are hiding, and panting, today.
We won’t get any real relief for a few more days.
We have 3 border collies visiting for the next week. Buster is in heaven. Thankfully they like taking breaks in Little Cowboy’s wading pool.
We did lose a small brood of barn swallows in the barn. It was just too hot. The family nesting on the back of the house fared much better as they were a few weeks older and able to fly away from the heat during the day.
Time for another late afternoon shower...