Cowgirl Up on

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another New Blog

In the interest of trying to keep this blog focused mostly on me and my horse life, I started a new blog for the new additions to the farm and to keep track of the other livestock additions that may come in the future. Future goat news will probably be posted there as well.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Reminiscing About Ray: Part 2

Here is the second installment of my journal reports and photos from a very special weekend in 2005. Please visit this link:

Ray Hunt Clinic Report: Day 2

A memorial and celebration will be held this coming Saturday, March 28, 2009 in Mountain Home, Idaho at Mountain Home Junior High School at 2:00 p.m. and it is open to the public. Please visit the Ray Hunt web site for details about this and other service(s) and also where to make donations in Ray’s memory.

I so wish I could be there to pay my respects to Carolyn and the rest of Ray’s family, and to honor Ray, but I am not going to be able to make it.

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Green Horsekeeping Chronicles Debuts

I finally managed to talk Alayne into doing a blog for Horses For Clean Water. Green Horsekeeping Chronicles will be yet another extension for Alayne and the rest of the HCW staff to interact with horse people around the world. Please visit the blog and also the latest issue of The Green Horse. This looks to be a great new venue to spread the “green” horsekeeping message.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reminiscing About Ray: Part 1

Once I heard about Ray’s passing the other day I was compelled to go back through my many archives of pictures and e-mails. I knew exactly what I was looking for. The journal reports and photos from a very special weekend in 2005. I attended a private clinic hosted by some dear friends in Ellensburg. To read day one of that weekend, please visit this link:

Ray Hunt Clinic Report Day 1

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Ray Hunt Memorial Service Information

Visit the Ray Hunt web site for information about the planned Memorial Services and to read his obituary.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Two WH Articles About Ray Hunt

These are must-read articles:

Western Horseman of the Year 2004—Ray Hunt

by Mike Laughlin with Randy Witte


I’m Here for the Horse

by A.J. Mangum

The horse world will never be the same without Ray Hunt, Tom Dorrance and Bill Dorrance.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Heart Is Heavy

The Master Horseman has passed away.

He was one of the best things to happen to horses and horsemanship. And I am forever grateful that I had a chance to honor the man by riding with/for him in a private clinic in 2006.

The horse world is a better place because of Ray. He will be greatly missed.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not Quite MIA

I have been lacking in my posting lately. And I do have lots to write and photos to share, just not enough time to get it done it seems. Here is a brief update.

I put tomato seeds in plastic egg cartons on the radiant heated bathroom floor. Had seedlings within a week and just repotted them the other day. They are doing smashingly well. Roma, heirloom and legend.

Put cucumbers, tomatillos and soybeans in another flat three days ago and they are now up!

Paddock Boy was able to rig a shop light stand for me to continue to coddle the plants along until it’s time to move them outside. It may be a while...we had hail and snow this afternoon! And more is in the forecast. Winter isn’t gone yet. But I long for fresh tomatoes for salsa and lots of cukes for more pickles!

And there is a bald eagle currently roosting in the oak tree in the front yard.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Scoop On Poop

This is a great article by Enumclaw’s own garden guru and author Marianne Binetti.

Now is a great time to get the scoop on poop
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