Cowgirl Up on

    Tuesday, August 25, 2009

    WNV: Washington Reports Highest Number of Cases

    I updated Buena and KT’s West Nile virus vaccinations just last week. If you haven’t done so, please do! Make sure your horse(s) is(are) current!

    The Horse Online
    West Nile Virus: Washington Reports Highest Number of Cases

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    Monday, August 24, 2009

    A Family Day in the Saddle

    Well, maybe not a whole day, but the whole family rode in some fashion. I hauled Buena and KT (in our shiny new trailer) to the SAFE Benefit Horse Show at Frontier Park in Graham on Saturday. It was a gorgeous day and lots of good friends were in attendance. Special thanks to my good friend Chelsea of Pony Up Rescue for Equines, who offered up her 37-year-old feedlot-rescued horse Sarge for the Little Cowboy to ride in leadline classes. My son did not want to get off after he finished Leadline Trail. Paddock Boy donned his new boots and hopped on Buena for the Other Half Leadline class, after doing a 27 mile marathon training run from the house to the show grounds that morning.

    I wish that I could say I brought home lots of ribbons, but that was not the case. Only got one 4th place white ribbon in Western Pleasure Rescue Horse. Paddock Boy got a blue and Little Cowboy got TWO blue ribbons! We had fun, though, and the entry fees when to the great cause of supporting SAFE’s many rescue endeavors.

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