Cowgirl Up on

Monday, April 27, 2009

Looking Like Spring Is Finally Here!

Almost all shed out and had a good brushing and mane and tail combing,even managed a quick hoof trim touch-up!

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bellingham Extreme Mustang Makeover Horse Featured

Saving the mustang, one horse at a time

Pacific NW Magazine, The Seattle Times, posted using ShareThis

Here is Tracey Westbury’s Mustang Diaries blog.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Foto

Just a quick update. It has been crazy busy around here, thus no blog posts. And not much horse-related activity going on right now either. Here is a photo of Buena from this morning, though.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another Horsey Wine Label

This one is in Washington!

Gotta love the small horse reference, and the label is pretty darn nice, too!

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Look Back: Four Days Of Ray

I spent four wonderful days watching and listening at a Ray Hunt Clinic in 2001 at Gleason Ranch in Brady, WA. It was an unforgettable experience as I also had the privilege of joining Ray and Carolyn and two of my girlfriends for breakfast one morning at a café in Montesano. View my pictures from those four days at the following posts:

Ray Hunt Clinic Day 1

Ray Hunt Clinic Day 2

Ray Hunt Clinic Day 3

Ray Hunt Clinic Day 4

My friends were riding in the afternoon horsemanship class of that clinic. The morning was a colt starting class. In typical western Washington fashion, it was cold and wet in the middle of summer!

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